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Trilogi Apartments


Trilogi Apartments

The Trilogi Apartments in Melbourne faced an urgent need to replace combustible cladding to meet Australian safety regulations. Fire Safety Engineer Jonathan Barnett of Basic Expert, also the chair of the building’s Owners Corporation, spearheaded the search for a compliant and visually appealing replacement. The façade’s striking design required a cladding solution that adhered to safety standards while maintaining exceptional flatness and colour consistency.

ALPOLIC™ NC/A1 by Mitsubishi Chemical Infratec Co., Ltd was selected for its superior safety features and aesthetic quality. This aluminum composite cladding is renowned for its non-combustibility, meeting the DtS compliance requirements under the National Construction Code. ALPOLIC™ NC/A1 offers outstanding flatness and durability, ensuring that the cladding maintains its structural integrity and visual appeal even under extreme weather conditions. Its wide range of colours and finishes, combined with a 20-year unconditional warranty, allowed for precise colour matching and long-term assurance.

The installation was expertly carried out by ACA Cladding, who praised the material’s rigidity and ease of handling. The project was managed under Cladding Safety Victoria’s replacement program, with Network Architectural providing crucial technical support and ensuring a smooth installation process through the use of drones for precise planning.

The Trilogi Apartments project showcases ALPOLIC™ NC/A1’s benefits in safety, durability, and aesthetic versatility, making it an ideal choice for high-quality recladding solutions.

Read more in our case study.


SJ Higgins


ACA Cladding



Product info:

ALPOLIC™ NC/A1 in Burnt Orange, Golden Orange and Tuscan Orange

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